Ghostbusters * * 1/2

Girls can be just as "bad" as boys  - Any day!
Much of the  talk on Ghostbusters has been why does it exist rather than is it any good.  
But we shouldn’t be surprised by it’s appearance. Film making at this level is about making money first and getting creative second. (I’d probably feel the same if I had $150 Million dollars on the line).
There has also been a lot of talk about the all-female Ghostbuster crew - as though Ghostbusting is a real job and a man thing, therefore female Ghostbusters can’t be believed. (Yes, some people really think like that).
Personally I liked the new Ghostbuster crew.  I thought they were well cast and well played - especially Kate McKinnon who seems to wear a wonderful smile throughout the whole film - regardless of the situation.
Unfortunately I found the film fairly boring, but I suppose that’s the problem with a re-boot - they can’t offer you too many surprises.  And although there is nothing wrong with the acting (most of which is self-mocking) I found the most memorable part was the CGI which is a device I normally dislike.  But it has to be acknowledged Ghostbusters showcases some fine work from the geeks in the back room.
The story is as predictable as you might expect but is redeemed with plenty of cracking one-liners.
There are cameos from some of the original cast, with scenes that have been stapled in just for them (or us).  
Our own Chris Hemsworth is very funny and enjoyable as an incompetent receptionist for the girls, hired purely for his good looks.
