Late Night with the Devil * * * ½

We'll be taking a short break and then we'll be right back to talk to the devil. Don't go away.

The setting for this little horror film is an American late-night Variety show. Clever idea because it allows them to shoot the whole thing in one location.  

The time is the late 1970's.  We are given a short documentary first on how the world seems to be obsessed with spirituality, the occult etc.  We are also given a documentary on late night TV Host Jack Delroy and some weird stuff he got up to in his past at getaway camps. They talk about how he went on to become a popular TV Host and how his world came crashing down after losing his wife to cancer. 

But now Jack Delroy is on the rebound with his late night variety program called "Night Owls".  On Halloween Night  They have a special show, all centered around hocus pocus, of course.

The premise of Late Night with the Devil is that we are watching a show that was taken off air during the broadcast because of its shocking content, but the cameras kept rolling and the unspeakable was recorded. Now we are watching that recording.

After meeting a medium and a wonderfully cynical sceptic, Jack Delroy introduces us to a woman who has rescued a young girl from a satanic coven. The poor girl had been used to communicate with the devil and still has the ability to do so.  

It's the usual shenanigans of demon possession etc. In this case, it's not so much vomit and head spinning as unbelievable power.  She's a bit like a faulty electricity transmitter hit by lightning.

Even though it is set in America this is an Australian production, written and directed by a couple of Aussie lads (brothers Colin and Cameron Cairnes) and shot in Australia with an all Australian cast, other than lead character Jack Delroy played by David Dastmalchian.

There are a lot of laughs in this film as it spoofs the talk shows of that era with provocative guests, happy compliant audiences, a jovial show band, and the second guy who is the sidekick to the 'Star' presenter.  But more importantly it can be pretty scary at times - even as you're giggling.

Unfortunately I thought the end was a bit weak, but where do you go after all that mayhem?

As an aside, I must say, it made me miss those old TV Variety shows. We don't seem to have them in Australia anymore, and this film is inspired by them in no small way. They were always a fun way to fill in an hour or so before retiring. Bring 'em back! 

They would be particularly entertaining if they were like this episode of "Night Owls" with Jack Delroy.
