Immaculate * * * *

Kid you good-a-lookin, but you don't-a-know what's-a-cookin'
Hey Mambo! Mambo Italiano!

Another Nunsploitation movie, but this one is good.  Not quite at the same level as Benedetta from a couple of years ago, but I didn't regret the 90 minutes I spent watching this tight, neat film.

It stars Sydney Sweeney who is enjoying a lot of popularity these days. She plays a naive girl from America who is admitted into a nunnery in Italy.  Within a day or two she catches on that perhaps all isn't quite as it should be.  Three men, the Father and his Eminence the Bishop and some creepy Deacon are always hanging around.  (A perverse holy trinity?)

The convent specialises in geriatric care for its own kind. The young nuns are mostly looking after demented old nuns.  Having sworn to humility, chastity, charity and all that, Cecilia doesn't mind.  

One day some changes start to happen with Cecilia's body and the three blokes have got a few questions to ask her.  But it turns out she is true to her word when she denies sleeping around. They are ecstatic.  Looks like we have an immaculate conception!

No one could be more confused than Cecilia, but in the meantime Cecilia has become very uncomfortable about  a few other shenanigans in the convent, with a glimpse into a torture chamber and bodies falling out of windows to splatter on the flagstones, etc.  Basically the victims are Nuns who have caught on to what Cecilia has caught on to and have got a bit mouthy about it.  Cecilia also discovers there is no escaping this convent. 

It's a beautiful looking film though. Antiquated Italian buildings and chapels are on full display decorated with gorgeous young nuns lit by candles.  Smokey interiors and sunlight beaming through stain glass windows. 

The tension builds nicely as Cecilia realises her predicament and turns from meek novice to determined survivalist.  Then there is this "baby" gestating inside her that must come out ... and when it finally does, well.... 

(you don't really want me to spoil this for you do you?)
