Humanistic Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person * * * *

Why don't you kiss me? 
Errr Let's just get to know each other a little better.

Yes it's a long title, but it's a good one.  In fact it's almost a synopsis because that's pretty well what the film is about.  

It did remind me a little of other films, Raw and Bones and All, but Humanistic Vampire has its own story to tell.

Sasha is born into a Vampire family, but she's a bit of a black sheep.  Just as a conventional family would be concerned if their teenage daughter was acting weirdly, so it is with her parents. "You're a vampire.  You have to kill and you have to suck blood!  What's the matter with you?!" 

Sasha's problem is that she is sympathetic to Humans and really doesn't want to hurt them. She even reads philosophical texts on humanity.

They take her to a vampire child psychologist to no avail.  In the end they decide she must go live with her cousin.  Her cousin has no issues at all about being a vampire and indulging in all that goes with it. Capturing people and draining their blood.   In fact she seems to relish in it.

Meanwhile we are introduced to a Paul, a bullied, chronically depressed young man who is keen to kill himself.  Sasha notices Paul. What an opportunity! She needs to make a kill, to mend her relationship with her family and prove she can be an adult, and he is looking for an exit strategy.

Needles to  say Sasha and Paul realise they are made for each other because they each have a need.  But they also realise that certain boy/girl feelings are growing.  

How to resolve this conundrum?

This delightfully bleak, funny film is populated by charming characters and its a pleasure to watch. It's a horror film with all the best elements of French humour and humanity with a bit of philosophy.
